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  • Preferred option
    1 HOUR with recording and summary notes (€299.00)€299.00
  • Preferred option
    3 x hour long calls (€797.00 SAVE €100)€797.00
  • Preferred option
    20 mins with Tara - recording & summary (€149.00)€149.00
20% off use code: SPRINGWITHTARA

  • Total payment
  • 1xTara 1:1 Mentoring€0

All prices in EUR


1. Call recording with bullet point summary & time stamped notes so you can find parts of the conversation easily.

2. Real time focus and clarity as to what to do next.

3. A to do list that is simple & makes sense to your core objective.

4. A non judgemental space to share how you really feel and how best to stay motivated. 

5. A direct line to Tara who has helped 1000s of Creatives over the last 7 years.

STEP 1: Billing Information

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STEP 2: Payment Information

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Hello! My name is Karli Mogen and I am a freelance artist, designer, and medical illustrator. Before the 1:1, I was so unsure of what I was doing with my business, and especially why I was doing it, and Tara was so incredibly helpful in giving me some solid direction of where to focus my time and energy for the best results. She really has a knack for zoning in on someone's motivations, and then using all of the tools and resources she has to advise on which avenues match that motivation best. 

I felt like I finally had some solid ground under my feet and an actual plan of what to do next, which was invaluable. Because of all of this, I would definitely recommend 1:1s with Tara to anyone in the creative business space. She is a wealth of knowledge and creativity, and it is well worth picking her brain.

Karli Mogen ️ 
Medical Artist

  Before the one to one I was feeling scattered, and like I just have way too many ideas in my head; I don't know which way to turn. Trying to get all the ideas out at once was getting me nowhere. Tara is incredibly passionate, enthusiastic and supportive and gently challenges and suggests ways forward. She always has a way of honing in to the essence of what a product or service is all about - freeing us from fluffiness and vagueness, and clearing a path forward. I always expect Tara to appear with pom-poms (as well as the moustaches) as she's an amazing cheer-leader for creative business's! 

 After the sessions I felt like I was seen and heard . I'm still fine-tuning my ideas and scaling all sorts of learning curves but what I'm better at now is learning to see my ideas from a clients perspective. 

Creativity is enriched by different perspectives and I'm learning that running a business is (daunting, yes AND) a powerful means of expressing creativity - that I had not seen before. I have a greater sense of my direction and a better set of tools for dealing with challenges. 

Sinead Cullen ️ 

Tara's energy and passion are infectious :) She creates step by step workshops that take you through some of the most difficult aspects of the digital world. She certainly got me doing loads of new business activities.. she rocks!

Lucy Hyland ️ 

Hello I'm Cora. On March 12th last year I did a 1:1 with Tara and spilled out 3 years worth of apprehension, confusion and worry about this. Her excitement and belief in my idea put me at ease and triggered in me a new found enthusiasm to keep going. 

Yes, of course the following day the world came to a halt and everything changed, but the spark that had been ignited on my call kept me focused and determined to use this quiet time to research ways of getting my product on the market. 

Just six months later I decided to pre launch it, and the orders came flooding in. My order book is now full for the next 3 months and I am still trying to process all that has happened. It was not just the one hour that I stayed on the call with Tara that helped me so much, it was knowing that she genuinely wanted this for me, almost as badly as I wanted it myself, it was knowing that I had her support any time I needed it since then, (and there have been many questions and enquiries since) and most importantly it was the self belief that she instilled in me that I could achieve anything I set my mind to. 

I can never thank Tara enough for her support and belief in my little dream. Joining the Private factory members group is without a doubt the best money that I have invested in my work. I genuine cannot imagine being where I am now in my business had I tried to navigate this journey alone.

Cora Cummins ️ 

My name is Rachel. I can not recommend Tara’s 1:1 sessions enough. This tailored mentoring session would be the absolute best thing you can do for yourself & your work. As creators we spend so much time alone and sometimes don’t see the wood from the trees. 

Before this session with Tara I felt I needed to check in and give my business a health check. We always have those things we want to invest in like weather it’s new packaging or great photography, all those things. And there can be a lot of things on the go in our heads as we have so many roles in our businesses. Sometimes it’s good to step back & analyse it all, even better to have Tara’s expertise to advise and give you that ‘virtual’ shoulder rub that you need. 

Not everyone understands what’s it’s like. I felt like a new person after my session with Tara. It has taken me a few days to express all of this because as this was a tailored mentoring session by Tara, a lot of ground was covered & there was a brilliant mindset change for the better. Tara doesn’t do things by halves. Her heart and soul went into it. She cares about your business. She has created to most amazing community. Getting her on her own to talk things through could be the most life changing hour. 

 Annnnnd she sends a recording after for you to look back on. That’s so valuable to have that on hand when we have one of those days and you need that pick me up. Prepare to feel supported & have a lot of light bulb moments

Rachel Webb ️ 

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